What did the ape learn from Covid?

It is in these times that we learn a great deal about ourselves.

Hunda G. Sobokssa
Baba times
Published in
2 min readMay 28, 2020


For me, this crisis has been a manifestation of these two lessons,

All genuine knowledge originates in direct experience -Mao Zedong

For any lesson to be truly learned it has to be experienced firsthand, and COVID has been an archetypical experience of this truth.

With all our powerful leaders and scientists we were unable to prevent the deadly outcomes of the outbreak. It’s not that we didn’t know it was coming, many have said it was inevitable. Even after it happened in the initial countries, the rest were slow to react despite knowing the danger. But trust me the world will be very good at handling outbreaks from now on, lesson learned. Not because of the knowledge at the intellectual level, that was already there before, but because we’ve lived it.

Another truth that came to life for me,

The embrace of ignorance is the wellspring of greatness

One realization that crossed every person’s mind in the midst of the crisis is how weak and helpless we humans really are. Before this threat came we were feeling pretty good about ourselves, we thought we were incredible. And maybe we are, but we weren’t as advertised, right? We (well, most of us) weren’t able to do the most basic things that could have been done, let alone extraordinary things. But all we have been able to accomplish, throughout history, has been because we acknowledged our painfully obvious ignorance first, then we went from there, this is still the mentality of the scientific community, and if we are to achieve more amazing feats, this should be the mentality of politicians, policymakers and the general public as well.



Hunda G. Sobokssa
Baba times

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